Wilson's Creek Park Trail


Green County

Riding Mileage:
7 Miles


Click on the above link.
It goes to Google maps and
will give you directions from your
place to the equine trailhead. 

Trail Users:
Mountain Bike Riders

Trailhead Amenities:
Moderate Trailer Parking at 1st trailer lot
Limited Trailer Parking at overflow (2nd) lot
Hitching rails along the trail
No other facilities at the trailhead

Cell Phone Signal:

Horse Camping:
Not allowed

Trail Info:
Easy to follow
Gently rolling
Some wooded sections
A lot of field sections
Two creek crossings
Bridge crossing
Field trails get overgrown & hot in summer
Riding across pasture or fields not allowed
Only riding at a walk is allowed

Coming Soon:
Printable Map

Trail Pictures: